NABERS: An Approach For Preserving The Environment Alongside The Development

The climatic effects of every country have an impact on the health of its dwellers. The rise of global warming around the world has made a point that every country needs some environmental measures. Australia does not lag behind when we talk about the extremity of the climate. The hot weather in the city is nowhere comfortable and healthy for the residents. Since the atmosphere is always brewing like a hot coffee in the country, NABERS Rating makes an appearance from the curtain. Apart from all other environmental measures taken by the country, the National Australian Built Environment Rating System looks upon the building’s eco-friendly factors. Since the last 10 years till today, every building from office to residential has undergone this rating system. The approach has brought down many harmful factors from the country. Contractors who used to shape buildings without much consideration have started to walk on the path of environment-friendly construction. However, t...