Keeping a Balance Between Sustainability and BCA Compliance

As a sustainable and innovative workplace has become the norm for the current period, the energy-efficient solution to comply with the Building Code of Australia became a necessity for the organisations. To acknowledge this, the Australian government started promoting changes to the National Construction Code (NCC) that will not only improve the number of compliance available but will also increase flexibility. The NCC overhaul mainly focuses on BCA Section J , which is a part of the government’s strategy to minimise greenhouse gas emissions and increase the efficiency of Australian’s building up to 40 per cent by the year 2030. The modifications produce energy savings for organisations up to 23 to 53 percent and are also considered as cost-effective. Affected Building Types Section J changes affect to class 2, 3 and class 5 to 9 of commercial buildings, and it also focuses on enhancing the strictness of the provisions. This can also be achieved b...