What Does A BCA Section J Report Cover?

All non-residential buildings (from Class 2-9) require Section J Compliance in all states of Australia. With the BCA section J report , local councils and building authorities verify that the proposed building fulfils the energy efficiency provision standards of the BCA Volume 1 before they issue Construction Certificate (CC). The BCA Section J assessment and reporting needs to be drafted by a qualified and experienced energy efficiency consultant. There are two methods for demonstrating BCA Section J Compliance for a building: BCA Section J Compliance- DTS (Deemed-to-Satisfy) BCA Section J Compliance: JV3 (Verification uses a reference building) BCA Section J Reporting Structure Part J0 Energy Efficiency Requirements This part of the BCA Section J describes the energy performance standards of class 2 to 9 buildings. Single occupancy of class 2 building units or class 4 buildings, parts of each unit must achieve a minimum 5 stars NatHERS rating In a multi-unit develop...