Save Environment, Save Yourself By Building Energy Efficient Buildings

The climate goal for everyone is pretty clear, and it is to make a climate sustainable for living beings. Which further can be elaborated as, making efforts to reduce the carbon footprints and harmful emissions. A major contribution to this pollution is done by the houses and guess what, the architects & house planners have already started mapping out ways in which they can reduce the emission and make the place more sustainable. Urbanization is putting both, human and ecological health at stake, and it is high time that we come up with the solution. Enhancing building’s efficiency was a highly overlooked task, but recently a lot of advancement and alternation in building type and style is drawing everyone’s attention. These changes will enhance the healthiness in life, increase productivity and maximize the natural light. BASIX certificate , an initiative by the NSW government, plans to create homes and buildings that will reduce the water consumption, greenhouse emissio...