5 Important Things You Should Know About BASIX Report

What Is A BASIX Report? BASIX or Building Sustainability Index was drafted in 2004 by the New South Wales Government to ensure that residential developments (homes and apartments) were sustainable. This BASIX initiative was actually underlined in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. BASIX reports come with a BASIX certificate that enables the NSW state to have sustainable dwellings that can reduce water consumption and greenhouse gases. BASIX reports were created to target about 25% minimization in greenhouse gases and 40% in water consumption. These targets not only help to save the environment but provide economic savings for any homeowner as well. Consequently, a BASIX certified home has a better market value. What Does a BASIX Report Encompass? A BASIX report comes with an assessment certificate (BASIX certificate) needed during any development application process in New South Wales. The BASIX report entails various criteria, includin...