5 Important Things You Should Know About BASIX Report


What Is A BASIX Report? 

BASIX or Building Sustainability Index was drafted in 2004 by the New South Wales Government to ensure that residential developments (homes and apartments) were sustainable. 

This BASIX initiative was actually underlined in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.

BASIX reports come with a BASIX certificate that enables the NSW state to have sustainable dwellings that can reduce water consumption and greenhouse gases. 

BASIX reports were created to target about 25% minimization in greenhouse gases and 40% in water consumption. 

These targets not only help to save the environment but provide economic savings for any homeowner as well. Consequently, a BASIX certified home has a better market value.

What Does a BASIX Report Encompass? 

A BASIX report comes with an assessment certificate (BASIX certificate) needed during any development application process in New South Wales. The BASIX report entails various criteria, including: 

  • The building orientation 
  • The size of the development 
  • Location of the building 
  • Category of the building construction 
  • The landscape that surrounds the building 
  • The size and type of windows planned in the building 
  • The appliances to be used in the building 
Furthermore, it could also include the thermal comfort levels, which help reduce the energy requirements for cooling or heating a house to a comfortable level.

What Does A BASIX Report Target To Achieve? 

A BASIX target is defined as a benchmark for greenhouse gas and water savings compared to the government's figures (calculated in percentage). 

Considerations can be done for reflecting the region's specific climate zones. 

Therefore, considerations for local differences such as rainfall levels, soil types, and evaporation rates are factored in. 

The performance targets created by the NSW government consist of: 

  • A 40% reduction in consumption of water 
  • A 40% reduction in greenhouse gases emission 
  • A 40% reduction in energy consumption for thermal comfort

How Are The Targets In a BASIX Report Measured? 

The BASIX report has a standard for energy and water. They're equally measured based on per capita. 

To determine the benchmarks, the energy and water levels need to be taken into account. 

Typically, the average target of potable water consumption and greenhouse gas emission for each individual is measured against the numbers provided by the residential sector in NSW.

What Is The Role Of the BASIX Report During The Development Process? 

  • It is essential you first obtain a BASIX certificate. This fee is determined depending on the type of development you want to construct. 
  • Once that's done, you then need to submit your BASIX certificate alongside the development application. It is vital to modify the development plan before getting to this step. Otherwise, you'll have to revise the certificate. 
  • Once the application has been thoroughly assessed and approved, you can move on to the next part of your project. Your development must adhere to the commitments you made on the BASIX certificate when it is being constructed. 
  • This next step involves obtaining a construction certificate. Before you initiate your development project, you'll need to apply for the construction certificate. You need to attach the BASIX certificate while applying for a construction certificate. 
  • The final step involves getting a completion receipt. A final inspection of your project site is done. Post-inspection, you'll receive a BASIX completion receipt followed by an occupation certificate. 
You may need professional assistance in preparing a BASIX report and obtaining a BASIX certificate. You'll find several professional agencies that offer such services. 

Ensure to hire credible agencies with extensive experience and a strong portfolio of projects. If you're planning to develop a new residential project, then a BASIX certificate is something that you should start considering on a high node.


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