Benefits of Using JV3 Modelling


JV3 modelling is the alternative solution for architects and project owners to plan and develop creative building designs while fulfilling sustainability requirements. 

JV3 modelling was introduced as a building performance solution in 2006 for successfully achieving building compliance where the DtS solution isn’t feasible or practical. 

With project owners and building designers gradually comprehending the versatility and power of the process, the JV3 assessment method is gaining popularity. 

Easy and simple projects including single-storey structures, slab on ground, simple office spaces do not get affected by using the DtS method of compliance. However, most buildings excluding the categories mentioned previously should utilize the benefits and practicality of the JV3 protocol. 

Get your JV3 assessment and BASIX report prepared by expert professionals to avoid complications and ensure the smooth flow of your project.

Benefits of Using JV3 Modelling 

Offer Cost-Effective Solutions For Flexible Design Choices

When the JV3 assessment is utilised correctly, it offers a considerable cost-effective solution for your commercial built environment. 

The fundamental area to save costs while improving your building performance includes glazing and insulation. Some insulation applications can involve a significant expenditure, for example, under slab insulation in warm or hot climatic zones. 

Climate zones 1, 2, and 3 specified by ABCB Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) constitute hot climatic conditions. In such zones, shaded undercrofts and external shading can significantly impact your building’s energy performance than undercroft insulation. 

By utilising JV3 modelling, you can determine the impacts of your design elements on your building performance. After comparing the energy consumption with the reference DtS building, you can eliminate the under-croft insulation.

Practical Insulation Solution

JV3 assessment offers beneficial internal wall insulation solutions, especially in fire-rated constructions.

Generally, fire-rated materials aren’t good insulators. Hence a double-walled structure is required with the DtS method. One to comply with the fire rating standards and a second wall attached to the first for complying with BCA Section J requirements. 

This can become excessively expensive during construction and also increase the overall carbon footprint of the building. 

With JV3 assessment, an alternate design solution can be prepared for compliance and prevent unnecessary penalties and complications of DtS provisions. 

Also Read: A Practical Guide To Preparing Your BASIX Certificate

Allows Determining The Pros And Cons Of Your Building Design 

The JV3 simulation process enables you to directly assess and determine the benefits of the positive design elements and negative aspects of your building components. By understanding the pros and cons, you can save design, construction, and operational costs in your building design. 

The JV3 method doesn’t restrict building materials or design concepts like DtS protocols. You can attain a balanced building performance by reducing insulation in certain building areas while improving the performance at places where the materials will provide a greater impact. 

Gire professionals and push forward your commercial project with JV3 modelling.


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