NABERS Rating For Office Buildings: A Quick Guide

Every day we hear the alarming news of rising water levels, increasing temperature, depleting ozone layers, etc. Wondering what's the connection of the building sector with these hazardous environmental impacts? 

  • According to the UNEP Global Status Report, emissions savings from sustainable buildings are predicted to be as much as 84 gigatonnes of CO2 (GtCO2) by 2050 through direct sustainability measures, including energy efficiency, fuel switching, and the use of renewable energy. 

And therefore, commercial building developers can contribute greatly to a sustainable future. Not just that, the sustainable building demand and industry are growing exponentially. 

Eco-friendly buildings save money on energy bills, reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses, and help owners and renters reflect an environmentally responsible image. However, to ensure and promote sustainable commercial developments government introduced certain policies and regulations.

BCA Section J Report is one such regulatory requirement. This report ensures the energy efficiency of commercial buildings through various assessment methods. Since commercial buildings can be complex, other sustainability tools exist, such as the NABERS.

What is meant by NABERS rating?

NABERS, or the National Australian Built Environment Ratings System, is an environmental rating system that assesses a building's or tenancy's operating efficiency in terms of energy and water usage, indoor air quality, and management of wastes. 

Building owners can use a NABERS rating to monitor and report their facilities' environmental performance and progress. It also provides cost-cutting and enhancement opportunities.

The Working of NABERS Rating Explained. 

  • A NABERS rating indicates a building's or tenancy's environmental performance and sustainability standards for a year. 
  • It transforms complex technical data regarding a property's environmental consequences into a simple star rating that appropriately depicts how a tenancy or a building performs compared to others in the area.
  • The NABERS rating system employs a six-star system to identify various factors of a building that might affect the environment. These factors are power efficiency, indoor air quality, water consumption, and waste management.

How to Obtain a NABERS Rating?

  • Technical information, such as monthly water and power bills, is used to score a building's performance and environmental impact over 12 months. 
  • The energy use is multiplied by its emission factors (GreenHouse Gasses) and modified depending on the equipment's running hours, the climate of the building, and the size and occupancy of the building.
  • After that, the data is compared to a Benchmark Factor. This factor is essentially the other sites in the vicinity, and an energy score between 1 and 6 is assigned. 
  • A six-star grade indicates that the office building is Market-Leading, whereas a one-star rating suggests that the property needs significant upgrading. 
These ratings are intended to encourage all business property owners to commit to energy conservation and a sustainable future. 

Ensure to get your NABERS assessment and BCA Section J report prepared by experienced building consultants to reduce unnecessary delays in your project.

Advantages of NABERS Rating

Enhanced productivity

By decreasing building energy usage and expenditures over the facility's life, occupants can increase productivity and overall efficiency. 

Also, for the developers, the buildings exhibit their commitment to environmental protection and conservation and optimise the economic, social, and ecological consequences.

Competitive advantage

A strong NABERS rating is a mark of effective sustainability leadership within the property industry. As a result, structures with good NABERS ratings are highly favoured and have a better market value, fetching higher valuations and reducing operating expenses. Facility owners gain a competitive advantage with potential buyers, tenants, or hotel guests by having a building with a lower environmental effect and lower operating expenses.

Creating a benchmark 

A solid sustainability strategy is built on the foundation of NABERS ratings. They serve as a consistent baseline for a building's energy and resource consumption, allowing for cross-industry comparison.

Evaluation of building's performance 

A yearly NABERS rating helps track performance, analyse the effects of any measures taken, address concerns and improve, and set goals for the coming year. 

A NABERS star rating can help you evaluate how your building is functioning and the genuine results of any efforts you may have implemented by providing a benchmark to see if you're on the right track or need to reassess any measures you have in place. 

You can set relevant goals to ensure the sustainability of your building by evaluating what is functioning properly and what is not. 

How to Enhance NABERS Rating? 

Equipment optimisation and upgrade can all help to enhance NABERS ratings. For instance, upgrading or replacing the centralised air systems and equipment can dramatically enhance an office building's NABERS rating. The use of power for cooling and heating can be reduced by 10-15% by replacing air conditioners over 10 years old. 

Installing energy-efficient lightings, such as high-efficiency LED luminaires or fluorescent lamps, can reduce electricity use by approximately 75%. 

The use of insulation, double glazing, or shades can also benefit from lessening the demand for air conditioning. 


NABERS is often used by building managers and owners to specify star rating goals for building or to upgrade project portfolios. A NABERS rating assures that a building is future-proofed and that energy considerations are incorporated from the start of the project, lowering your environmental impact and project operating costs. Get your building NABERS assessed by professional sustainability assessors.


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