How to Build an Energy-efficient Residential Dwelling

When your home has an energy-efficient design, it will use less energy to maintain heating in the winter and to remain cool in the summer. With energy costs rising, now is the perfect moment to construct a home that is more sustainable and energy-efficient. The Australian Energy Regulator confirmed a price hike of up to 18% in NSW, and this rate increase will inflate a home's annual electricity costs. You can either make your home as energy-efficient as possible right away or pay hundreds of dollars more every year in energy bills. BASIX certificate and NatHERS assessment help maintain sustainability standards in residential dwellings. What Does Energy Efficiency Means? The NCC defines energy efficiency as the smart use of energy that can be managed through regulatory obligations and voluntary choices. The NCC also states that constructing homes that will use less energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, and other domestic services ...