How to Build an Energy-efficient Residential Dwelling


When your home has an energy-efficient design, it will use less energy to maintain heating in the winter and to remain cool in the summer. 

With energy costs rising, now is the perfect moment to construct a home that is more sustainable and energy-efficient. 

The Australian Energy Regulator confirmed a price hike of up to 18% in NSW, and this rate increase will inflate a home's annual electricity costs. 

You can either make your home as energy-efficient as possible right away or pay hundreds of dollars more every year in energy bills. 

BASIX certificate and NatHERS assessment help maintain sustainability standards in residential dwellings. 

What Does Energy Efficiency Means?

The NCC defines energy efficiency as the smart use of energy that can be managed through regulatory obligations and voluntary choices. 

The NCC also states that constructing homes that will use less energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, and other domestic services while keeping required standards in these areas is the desired goal. 

Energy efficiency in buildings depends on important elements like structure and fixtures. Better thermal performance means reduced energy use in a home. Both energy-efficient housing structure and tenant behavior influence the overall quantity of energy used.
BCA Section J report demonstrates the energy efficiency of commercial buildings. 


  • Walls

  • Floors

  • Roofs

  • External glazing

  • Shading


  • Insulation

  • Central heating

  • Water piping

  • Artificial lighting

  • Area heating

  • Heating and pumping of swimming pools

  • Heated water supply system

How to Make a Home Energy-Efficient?

  • The design guideline known as the Passive design minimizes unintentional heat gain and loss in the house while utilizing natural sources of heating and cooling. 

  • Passive design minimizes or completely eliminates the need for supplemental heating or cooling by interacting with the local climate to maintain a pleasant inside temperature.

  • Your home's location can greatly influence how much heating and cooling you need. Take advantage of the sun and the direction of the winds. 

  • Your home's building materials have the capacity to absorb and store thermal energy. Designing an energy-efficient home requires finding the right thermal mass balance. NatHERs assessment involves evaluating thermal comfort. 

  • Insulation essentially prevents heat from escaping. The quantity of heat kept or lost may be considerably affected by glazing, which functions as insulation for windows.

  • Shutters and landscaping may provide the maximum amount of thermal comfort by limiting the amount of sunshine a property gets. 

  • On the other hand, skylights and roof windows are wonderful sources of natural light that can reduce energy bills.

  • Make sure your home has adequate ventilation.

  • If condensation is not addressed, it can lead to rot and mould, which can be deadly.

Key Target Areas to Make Your Home Energy Efficient

  • Install coatings or double and triple glazing on windows.
  • Install climatically appropriate windows.
  • Other crucial factors to consider are size, positioning, and shading.
  • Increase the number of doors in the home design to better use natural heating and cooling.
  • Doors can be added to hallways or next to rarely used rooms for better ventilation.


  • Boost the R-value of your insulation. 
  • Add insulation to rarely insulated spaces like the garage, interior walls, and areas like the laundry and bathroom. Insulation is an important component of NABERS as well. 
  • Replace darker, more heat-absorbing colours with lighter, heat-resistant ones.

Wrapping Up

By following these simple methods, it is possible to make your home more energy efficient. If you are building a new home, you can make careful changes in the design to make it more sustainable. 

And don't forget to collaborate with Eco Certificates! An  experienced building consultation agency for your development sustainability requirements.


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